Loud, gritty poems that linger in your mind. Take your time, invite them in, and let the words settle in the dark recesses.
While Out Pondered the Hare explores youth, indiscretions, and our fragility, bleach reflects on society. The seamless poetry and spoken words hold up a mirror and shows us our imperfections.
$7.99 eBook | $13.95 Paperback
What People Are Saying About bleach
“These poems really provide a loud, gritty perspective on everyday life. The cover is perfect for it. The poem Sober was one of my favorites.”
“These poems draw you in, keep you there, and linger. You need to take your time and invite them in. They make you rethink complex ideas.”
“This is the perfect blend of poetry and spoken word, especially if your imagination is vivid and your vocabulary is extensive. The poems are not relatable based on their extremes which worked out perfect for me because sometimes i just want to be taken somewhere and not necessarily know where I'm going. This read was quick but worth the time to slow down and absorb. Some of the poems are dark and heavy which pulls on your heart strings and a lot of them seem to be a testimony of life.”
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